Monday, November 2, 2009

Got him.

Since 2005, I have made 12 trips to the coorong in chase of the elusive Silver Ghost. On my 13th trip, a quick overnighter on 31st October 2009, I landed it.


The Facts: Caught around 8pm, Brined Pilchard for bait, 2 x 8/0 Gamakatsu's on a running sinker rig. It was between tides - low was a few hours before and high wasnt until 1am. The moon was almost full (there goes that theory).

It measured 91cm long and around 6kg gutted. About 13-14 pounds. I didn't have any good scales so I just stood on the bathroom scales holding it.. not the most accurate but it gives a bit of an indication.



Mick said...

Being a former SA boy I stumbled across your blog and always have a quick look to check out your latest exploits: you bastard you landed what I never bloody could! Keep "the Gashes" going, it's good stuff.

Cheers, Mick

Ryan said...

Hey Mick

Cheers for the comment. I see I have a loyal readership of one then, rofl