We headed down to the Coorong, facing some of the worst weather we've ever endured, and this was in the middle of summer. Massive storms made visibility on the road limited, but as we rolled into the National Park, as seems to happen for us more often than not, the clouds parted and the sun started shining. Win!
Pulling into the campsite the wind was still blowing hard however and extremely cold. It shouldn't be like this in December! A look to the horizon saw the next big storm rolling our way and the decision was made to get out the "BIG TARP" for a shelter.
We set it up before heading out fishing just incase the rain came in and soaked everything. Finally we got out to the beach and it wasn't long before Matt had a big strike on his rod. The gutter was as close as it gets to the beach, and Matt's Alvey made light work of bringing in a nice 5.5 Kilo (from memory) Snapper to the beach.
As usual, Ranger Will suggested we throw him back, whilst the rest of us ran for camera's and scales, and the better suggestion of throwing it on the BBQ. Majority wins!
This will be a dinner fit for kings.
Matt cleaned up the Snapper back at camp, whilst the rest of us got back to fishing in a fruitless attempt to try and put our name of the Gashes trophy. It would be a dirty day to actually lose a gashes when you've pulled a 5kg Snapper off the beach and then someone goes and brings in a 100cm Mulloway or something. Of course, that didn't happen.
Instead, Ondie pulls in a worthless Skate (he says Shark, I say Skate)
And then it was off to camp to sit around sinking beers and listening to Matt and Will talk about how they are the sole members of "The Snapper Club".
Fishingwise, the rest of the weekend was slow. Highlights include: Matts $8 camping chair finally breaking after years of abuse (with suspected help from Will). Will finding a dead bird on the beach, and hooking it onto Matts line. Matt deciding it'll be good bait, and casting it out.. but giving up on the idea 1 minute later. Andre's enormous "FUCK" written on the beach - not sure what he was trying to tell overhead planes. And of course, catching a massive Snapper on a cheap arse surf popper!
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