Saturday, September 13, 2008

Coorong - November 2006

Other than a time when we teamed up with my Dad and other rellies for a coorong trip, this was our biggest trip to the Coorong - 8 guys over 2 cars. I knew from the time the troopy pulled up next to me on the freeway and Will was hanging out the window with a beer in hand, there was gonna be some serious drinking done this trip.

First things first, set up an awesome campsite!


Click through to Flickr to see notes over the photo - I pointed out whos tent is who's.. very exciting stuff.

Lunch was soon cooked, beers soon cracked, and relaxing begun under the shade setup. It was hard to find the motivation to actually get up and go fishing, so comfortable it was.

Soon enough people drifted out to the beach, and in true Harry form, he caught a fish whilst sleeping in his chair. A nice sized mulloway to kick off proceeding, going about 60cm long.


He was released back into the water after a quick photo and Harry went back to sleep, now leader of the gashes competition.

After sunset, and a feed for dinner, the drinking around camp begun and tall tales and laughs all round well into the night.


It wasn't long before Matt was up to his usual antics, destroying some camp furniture

Stumbling Matt

Ranger Will was up early the next morning and catching small Mulloway whilst the rest of us nursed our heads (dodgy burger or something I suspect). But it was this bronzie shark that put him out in front on the leader board.


I managed to hook onto and bring in a small salmon, and Will headed back to camp to commence work on the lunch burgers (yes, we had the camping burger every meal). He did leave his rod out on the beach though, and as luck would have it - Will is the luckiest fisherman ever - his rod started bouncing about in the rod holder. Andy was quick on the scene and had a decent fight with yet another bronzie!


Debate raged about who's fish it was, I think the general verdict was it cancelled itself out in a way, but really, we just wanted to have a chance of winning. It was really Will's catch.

Matt decided all this watching other people catch fish was a bit tiring, and headed back to camp to catch some zzzz's in the shade - something most people would stop drinking for. Not Matt.

Sleep Drinking

I cant remember if any more fish were caught that day, but I don't have any photo's so I'll assume they weren't all that impressive if there was.

The next day, and no one had caught anything to catch up to Will, so once again, he continued his unbeaten streak with the Gashes. If only it was awarded for most sand dune borries taken, this man would win hands down:

After number 7..

Andre returning from the dunes, shovel in hand. A very familiar sight.

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