On this trip, Dan Murphy, Matt, Ondie and myself were along for the ride, with Will off attending some girlfriend duties.
The first day was great weather - couldn't ask for any better in the middle of winter. We set up the tents and hit the beach. Matt's first cast resulted in his 500 year old rod snapping right in half.. devastation for Matt, humour for the rest of us :)
I got on the board early with possibly a gashes winning fish. An Elephant Shark. Never seen one before and as no one was sure how to prepare them to eat, he went back in the water. Found out later that they are really good eating, doh!
Not the best photo unfortunately, but a photo none the less!
Matt was now set up with the huge alvey on Andre's ugly stick.. it didnt look like the best match up, but it did the trick.
Within a minute, Dan was on to his first fish and brought in a fat salmon. His first, ever.
This was turning in to a very fine day of fishing indeed. I landed this Salmon, almost too big to fit in the frame of the camera! ;)
Everyone was onto Salmon, and they were all fairly nicely sized. Heres one of Andre's catch so he doesn't feel left out:
Its pretty big, I guess. Its no elephant shark though.
The esky was well loaded by sunset, with many fish returned to the sea as well. We had dinner and a few to take home here
We retired to the campsite to start up the fire and cook a few fish. Many beers and AC/DC songs later, we hit the sack only to wake up feeling a bit sore the next morning. I'm not sure why...
I suspect the water in the back ground was tainted.
I walked out to the beach to see sea weed galore washing around in the surf. One cast in confirmed my thoughts as I reeled in a huge ball of weed instantly - so I returned to camp.
We spent pretty much the entire day sitting around camp waiting for the weed to go away, but it persisted all day long. So, a few more cans were drunk in the process. A storm rolled in which forced us to stick up the big tarp for some shelter too.
Matt decided that night was the night for huge night fishing efforts, weed and all. I joined him for one more cast and promptly snapped off my rig and returned to camp. As we sat around camp, every so often we'd hear Matt carrying on about something.. just to be sure he wasn't drowning or anything, we'd go out for a look. He had caught a small mulloway and was feeling rather justified about his decision to brave the freezing cold and rain to stand out there. I'd rather sit around the fire personally!
Loving it!
Dan had other ideas on how to enjoy the campfire
The next morning we had a fish until mid morning, but didn't catch anything. I was declared the gashes winner due to my amazing elephant shark and arguably the biggest salmon of the trip - from memory anyway. Well my name is there so we'll just assume thats true.